Dinda Astrid

Dinda Astrid

Meet Dinda Astrid Ayu Hardiyanti, a talented writer and SEO specialist at Crooud Agency. With a unique background that includes a previous career in Human Resources, Dinda made a successful switch to the world of SEO, bringing a fresh perspective and a wealth of experience to her current role. Her journey from HR to SEO highlights her adaptability and dedication to continuous learning, making her an invaluable asset in crafting compelling content and driving organic traffic for clients at Crooud Agency.

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History of Japanese Watchmaking
History of Watchmaking

Japan’s Finest: The Art of Watchmaking

Explore the history of Japanese watchmaking, from the origin of watchmaking in Japan until the rise of Japanese timepieces in the global market.

Patek Philippe Ref. 2523
Watch Information

What Watches Hold Value?

Explore what makes a watch worth holding onto, and which one you should avoid.